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Cantaş Soğutma is aware of its responsibility to respect human rights. In this context, the principles adopted by Cantaş Soğutma are based on the sections of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights in Working Life that is related to the business world and in conjunction with the Voluntary Principles on Safety and Human Rights and other relevant international principles.
At the same time, Cantaş Soğutma also adopts the OECD Multinational Companies Guide and the UN Business Life and Human Rights Guiding Principles. Cantaş Soğutma's corporate policies and procedures, administrative processes, community interaction programs and participation in voluntary initiatives complement and harmonize each other, supporting Cantaş Soğutma's commitment to respect human rights.
Sustainability policy has been adopted by Cantaş Soğutma to determine the main topics of Cantaş Soğutma's human rights policy and to manage the relevant risks. Cantaş Soğutma shows the necessary care and attention to detect human rights risks that people in its operations and value chain may encounter and to eliminate risks when they exist. All activities and investments of Cantaş Soğutma are evaluated in terms of human rights. With these assessments, human rights risks are determined and efforts are made to eliminate, reduce or keep these risks under control.
When Cantaş Soğutma detects negative impacts on human rights that occur as a result of its activities or that are caused by its activities, it agrees to provide the necessary solutions or cooperate to compensate for these impacts in a fair manner. Cantaş Soğutma supports the way to resolve the negative effects in cases where it is connected or involved due to its relations with third parties.
Child Labor and Forced Labor
• Child labor, human trafficking, forced and compulsory labor, modern slavery and unregistered/illegal labor are never tolerated by Cantaş Soğutma.
• Child labor and forced labor are strictly prohibited in all business relationships, including the activities of Cantaş Soğutma and its subsidiaries, and the activities of suppliers and subcontractors with whom we cooperate.
• Information that Cantaş Soğutma employees should understand the laws and risks regarding child labor, forced labor and human trafficking that they may encounter during their work, and that they should work to ensure that Cantaş Soğutma does not have suppliers, subcontractors and other business partners who engage in such activities, and that they should report their complaints in this regard. Information is provided by Cantaş Soğutma and the importance of this issue is emphasized at every opportunity.
Fair Employment Method
• Cantaş Soğutma ensures equal opportunity for its employees and the necessary standards have been adopted to ensure a working environment where everyone is treated respectfully and fairly.
• All employment decisions such as recruitment, promotion, salary, termination of employment contract, training opportunities and assignment are made based solely on factors such as qualifications, performance and experience, and while these decisions are made no discrimination is made with regard to skin color, race, language, religion, nationality, social and economic status, union membership, disability, pregnancy, age, marital status, sexual orientation, political opinion, etc. and action is taken in accordance with the principle of equality. Cantaş Soğutma respects the privacy and personal spaces of its employees.
• All Cantaş Soğutma employees are expected to act in accordance with this fair employment policy stated by Cantaş Soğutma, taking into account its impact on employment processes. At Cantaş Soğutma, all practices regarding working hours, conditions and wages are carried out in accordance with the valid labor and employment laws of the country. It was decided to pay equal wages for equal work, and fair wages were accepted, independent of all discriminatory factors, including gender.
Working Environment
• Cantaş Soğutma considers creating and maintaining a fair working environment for employees as one of its most important priorities. It is aimed to increase the success, development and loyalty of employees by creating a fair, respectful, healthy and safe working environment that is compatible with all relevant laws and regulations.
• Although the motivation of employees is important, one of the primary goals is to ensure that the working environment and conditions are healthy and safe for all employees. In case of any negativity reported by employees during the work, ideas are exchanged to resolve the problem and a solution is reached as a result of the exchange of ideas.
• Necessary precautions are taken by Cantaş Soğutma to prevent conflicts of interest and personal and private interests. An environment in compliance with occupational health and safety provisions at the workplace is provided by Cantaş Soğutma. Work distributions and job descriptions are prepared in a clear and understandable manner, and employees are expected to work in accordance with their qualifications.
• Successful work is appreciated and a constructive approach is adopted to ensure that employees contribute to improving the situation regarding the employee(s) who do not contribute to Cantaş Soğutma's activities and services.
• Employees can express their thoughts and problems easily, and Cantaş Soğutma takes into consideration the opinions and problems of the employees. Motivation enhancing activities are carried out and the necessary environments are provided for the professional development and training of employees on equal terms, and employees are made to feel that they are valuable and important.
Collective Association Rights
• Cantaş Soğutma's employees are aware that they will not face dismissal, threat or harassment, and Cantaş Soğutma knows that employees have the right to form a union, join or not join a union, and this situation is respected.
• Cantaş Soğutma acknowledges that if employees are represented by a union with legal status, it will be ready to establish a constructive dialogue with freely elected representatives of the union. Cantaş Soğutma agrees to meet in good faith with representatives who have this understanding.
• It is known that verbal or written statements that may be perceived as discriminatory, offensive or humiliating should be avoided in the workplace or during job-related interviews.
Healthy and Safe Workplace
• Cantaş Soğutma cares about the health and safety of its employees, business partners, suppliers, customers and the society in which it operates, and acts in accordance with the applicable occupational health and safety legislation. In this regard, one of the primary objectives of Cantaş Soğutma is to create a healthy and safe working environment for its employees and to take the necessary measures to prevent possible accidents.
• Every Cantaş Soğutma employee is aware that they are responsible for knowing and following both Cantaş Soğutma and global and local occupational health and safety regulations, policies, principles and practices, emergency processes related to their work, and maintaining the safe work environment provided by Cantaş Soğutma.
• Employees are prohibited from working under the influence of alcohol, all kinds of drugs, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs, and from carrying these substances with them while performing their jobs in the workplace.
• Otherwise, all employees are expected to strictly comply with the rules regarding drugs, drugs and alcohol that are applicable in the workplace within Cantaş Soğutma, as there may be a possibility of endangering the safety of themselves and their colleagues. Any work that involves the possibility of harm to employees, nature and society must be stopped by Cantaş Soğutma. If there is a possibility of damage, no sanctions should be applied to the employee who uses the work stoppage power. Cantaş Cooling employees are required to report any violations regarding occupational health and safety or possible damages, accidents and injuries without wasting time.
Quality Criteria
• Cantaş Soğutma always aims for the highest possible quality in its activities. In line with Cantaş Soğutma's quality targets, all employees are required to comply with the relevant laws and regulations, standards, contract requirements, Cantaş Soğutma's established management systems and corporate policies and procedures, and work to increase customer satisfaction and continuously improve business processes.
• Cantaş Soğutma works to increase the positive effects it can have on the environment and society in all regions where it operates, and to avoid, eliminate, reduce or compensate for negative effects. For this purpose, before carrying out any kind of activity, it evaluates the environmental and social impacts of its projects and creates and implements the necessary plans and procedures to manage these impacts.
• Cantaş Soğutma, apart from its legal responsibilities, takes care to fulfill its responsibilities towards its employees, customers, business partners, suppliers and society. Cantaş Soğutma carries out all its current activities in accordance with Turkish Law.
• While carrying out all its activities in accordance with the law, Cantaş Soğutma maintains an equal distance from all public institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations and administrative entities and fulfills the necessary obligations. Cantaş Soğutma is focused on customer satisfaction and creates an environment that meets the needs and demands of customers in the shortest time and in the most accurate way.
• Cantaş Soğutma provides the necessary conditions and acts with respect and courtesy towards customers, suppliers and business partners.
• Cantaş Soğutma makes the necessary efforts for the individual development of its employees, and also supports their volunteering for social and community activities in order to develop social responsibility awareness.
• Cantaş Soğutma competes effectively only in legal and ethical areas and takes care to avoid unfair competition. In addition, importance is given to the work carried out by Cantaş Soğutma to ensure a competitive environment within the society.
• Cantaş Soğutma tries to be active in appropriate activities regarding services for the public benefit and is sensitive to traditions and cultures.