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Enso Holding
Cantas Ic ve Dis Ticaret Sogutma Sistemleri Sanayi A.S, founded in 1979, has laid the foundations of today’s Enso Holding A.S.

We believe that the most important value added by Cantas Is ve Dis Ticaret Sogutma Sistemleri Sanayi A.S., a part of Cantas Companies Group, to the cooling systems sector is not only the fact that it is the supplier of numerous world brands of whom the Company is the agent but also that the Company considers itself as an integral part of this sector and prefers making all investments in this sector. With this understanding, our Company has completed the investment of the refrigerant filling facility that is the most modern and high-capacity facility in Europe and the Middle East, the sheet metal cutting and slicing service center and the stock yard with an unprecedented capacity and modernity in our sector in its Gebze Facilities founded on a 20.000 m2 area.

Among our Group Companies, Iltekno İleri teknoloji Muh. ve Tic. A.S is mainly involved in the turnkey gas/diesel engines and construction of Power Plants. While celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, Iltekno has also conducted its numerous innovative Cogeneration-Trigeneration implementations in a variety of areas including hotels, hospitals, airports, universities, landfill areas, biogas facilities, industrial facilities and IPPs. Thanks to the engineering, design, supply, installation and aftersales services all carried out within the Company, Iltekno offers turnkey solutions with optimal configurations that fulfill the needs of its customers. Iltekno has reached an installed capacity over 1400 MW with approximately 150 projects as a result of the services it provided in Turkey, Iraq and Egypt; and the Company completed 105 of these projects on EPC (Engineering – Provision – Construction) basis.

With its 200 employees and 5 companies, Enso Holding operates in 5 sectors, mainly in cooling and energy sectosr.
İltekno İleri Teknoloji Mühendislik Ve Ticaret A.Ş.
The core business of Iltekno is to provide turnkey solutions to Cogeneration/Trigeneration investors with her esteemed partners:MWM GmbH for gas engines and MAN Diesel SE for gas/diesel engines.

Iltekno,possessing in house design,commisioning, operation and maintenance capabilities with an experince of 20 yearsi has succesfully achieved turnkey power plant projects in industries such as textile, ceramic,food&beverage,metals,pulp&paper and in social facilities like hotels,hospitals,airports and universities.

Iltekno has been investing in environmental area by increasing both it's human resources and knowhow in Waste Disposal,Recycling technologies and the Carbon Market. Iltekno, has succesfully achieved projects with England based company EcoSecurities since 2007.
Esko Enerji
Esko Enerji Servisleri Ve Kojenerasyon Yatırımları A.Ş.
Esko enerji services company is the one and only energy mangement outsourcing company in Turkey.

ESKO provides clients a no risk fully hedged energy service, where clients assume no investment liability. In addition to this, clients also enjoy most favaroble energy prices having no responsibility for any cash flow items.

ESKO builds and operates cogeneration & trigeneration plants on site for 12 years and provides environment friendly- cheap power for local use.
Cantaş Sigorta
Cantaş Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A.Ş.
Cantas Sigorta has been serving in the all kind of insurance branches such as business, transportation, pension, health etc. since 1984.

Cantas Sigorta Brokerage Services has been providing the best services for 30 years by ensuring the quality of service and the customer satisfaction. The purpose of the Cantas Insurance is to create long term cooperation, and trust with our customers by protecting them against all kind of risks that might occur in the sector.
Cantaş Sigorta
Üniversal Gayrimenkul A.Ş.
Univeral which is joined to the Cantas Holding Company in the year 2005, has been proving services in the field of real estate and motor vehicle trading and leasing.