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Integrated Management System
Policy of Integrated Management System
Cantaş; has been carrying out import, export and sales of all kinds of heating, cooling and air conditioner spare parts to producers and wholesalers in service market, aeration and sales of refrigerating gas, dimensioning and designing labour of steel rolls, and production and sales service of copper and aluminium tube assembly set.

Our target is to be a trouble-free and a forever required company for the aspects of quality, environment, occupational health and safety. It is a proud of all Cantaş employees that spare parts, our production and service we provide for our customers are liked, found quality and preferred in every respect. Therefore we aim the followings;

- To ensure that our activities are in accordance with the requirements of organizations , of which we are members, national and international standards and regulatory requirements, to ensure safe operation of processes in this way, and to continuously develop the Integrated Management System by following new rules issued,

- To ensure continuous customer satisfaction by meeting Customers’ Requests at the best level in terms of quality - reliability - cost - time,

- To apply innovations and developments in our industry by following them right on time, and to continuously develop our performance accordingly,

- To ensure our employees’ effectiveness by promoting training activities for the whole staff and continuously supporting their developments,

- To manage our resources in an active, planned and systematic way, and to ensure their continuous developments,

- To maintain our investments in a planned way in order to increase our service capacity and variety, improve our quality level further and continuously develop it,

- It constitutes a basis to minimize errors, to continuously ensure activeness of our quality and to increase our company’s competitive capacity by working in the direction of systematic and continuous development.

- To prioritize the health conditions and job security of our staff in all our activities, to ensure obedience for health and safety with trainings, and to increase the consciousness of Occupational Health and Safety with the help of employees’ individual responsibilities,

- To establish required communication channels between employees and management and to keep these channels open continuously in order to take precautions against possible risks in terms of OHS and remove these risks,

- To make an emergency response plan, to continuously keep required human resource and other equipments available, to revise them, to organize planned/unplanned trainings, and to ensure actual attendance of whole staff for trainings

- To ensure prevention of diseases by making periodical medical check-ups of employees

- To evaluate the performance of the management and to ensure continuous improvement in OHS performance by continuously updating the system in order to prevent injuries and health impairments and continuously improve the OHS management and OHS performance with a participative understanding.

- To ensure minimum quantity of contaminating wastes that may arise out of its activities, to ensure that no wastes harmful to the environment will be left uncontrolled and to ensure that the wastes will be disposed to defined and appropriate areas.

- To primarily determine quantities of production areas and wastes from offices, and to set goals in order to decrease them in a planned way for the years ahead,

- To ensure consciousness-raising trainings in order to make everybody who works on behalf of Cantaş absorb the company’s Policy of Integrated Management System and its targets,

- To announce our policy of Integrated Management System to the concerned parties and the public through our webpage,

- To take every measure that will cancel out pollution effect, to check it and to encourage regulatory activities,

- To minimize risks by analyzing the situations that pose a risk in terms of OHS during our activities, and to make accidents and injuries achieve the goal of “Zero Accident” by providing our employees with safe environments.

- To aim at reaching and ensuring the target of “Zero Environmental Pollution” by analyzing the accidents, determining their root causes, and ensuring continuous development of procedures through continuity of operational development.

Cantaş’s Integrated Management System has been established in the light of the policies determined by Cantaş’s senior management, and it is fully supported by the senior management. Our employees hold the obligation and authorization of obeying this system and continuously developing it.

Erim Ekşioğlu
Chairman of the Board