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Membered Corporations

Cantas is a member of SOSIAD since its foundation 2005 year. Cantas' chairman of the board of directors, Erim Eksioglu is still president of Industry Environment and Trade Committee.

Purpose Of The Associations

Purposes of SOSİAD (Association of Refrigeration Industry and Businessmen) are to enable cooperation, solidarity and exchange of information among its members who operate in representation and sales of cooling and air conditioning devices, automatic control devices, their main components and spare parts, to carry out operations and attempts in order to solve the financial, economical, legal, administrative, technological, exportation and importation problems of its members, to develop and raise to the utmost level in terms of cooling and air conditioning market in Turkey and to conduct the necessary activities so as to meet the needs of the country in terms of cooling and air conditioning, to enable highly developed and quality products to reach the consumer.

Our association members must sign and apply the "Principles of Business Ethics" of SOSİAD.


SOSİAD is a non-governmental organization established by the leading importing companies of the sector in October 2005 in accordance with its purposes which are specified in its rules so as to enliven the sector, to help with the problems of the sector, to develop solidarity and job environment among its members and to be aware of the market constantly.

SOSİAD commenced work on 19.12.2005 by performing its first general meeting. The number of our association members which was 16 at its establishment is now 65 firm members. The entrance fee for 2010 and 2011 is 500,00 TL while yearly contribution is 1.000 TL. Natural and legal persons can be member of our association. Two persons can be members from each firm at the most.

The 3rd Ordinary General Assembly was held on 18 November 2009 and Yüksel TURGUT was selected as the chairman by the Board of Directors. General Assembly meetings of SOSİAD are performed once every two years. Increasing number of members and presenting better services for the sector by speeding up the commission operations are among the purposes of new management.


Cantas is a member of İSKİD since 2009 and represented by our General Manager Özgür Arseven.

Purpose Of The Associations

To provide cooperation among its members who are the manufacturers and/or importers of air conditioning and refrigeration equipments in Turkey, to carry out works to solve the problems of its members, to protect the rights of the Turkish air-conditioner&refrigeration consumers and companies both at national and international levels, and to carry on activities to meet the air conditioning and refrigeration needs by being wary of the environmental protection and national economy.


ISKID was established in 1993 as a result of the works commenced by the contributions of the leading firms and persons of the air-conditioning and cooling sector in 1991. Association, operating under the name of "Heating Refrigeration Air Conditioning Manufacturers' Association - ISKID" for 10 years, changed its title as the "Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Manufacturers' Association - ISKID" in its General Assembly in January 2004.